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The Pāli Canon

The Pāli Canon is the literary, intellectual, and spiritual foundation of Theravāda Buddhism. According to the Theravādin tradition, the teachings of the historical Buddha were transmitted in the classical Indian language of Pāli. Shortly after the Buddha’s passing his original teachings were codified into what is traditionally referred to as the Tipiṭaka (Three Baskets), or more universally as the Pāli Canon.

Sutta Pitaka

Paperback and E-copies available at Wisdom Publications.
*Key in DHAMMA upon checkout for 15% discount till 1 Jan 2019.
Here are some guides to reading and understanding the Nikayas.

Anguttara Nikaya with Ven Bhikkhu Bodhi

Guide to reading the Sutta Pitaka

You might also want to check out the following books with reference to the Sutta Pitaka:
Great Disciples.jpg
buddha's teachings -cover 2016_0.jpg
In The Buddha's Words.jpg
Paperback and E-copies available at Wisdom Publications.
*Key in DHAMMA upon checkout for 15% discount till 1 Jan 2019.
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